The Serif - REMIXED!
The Opus began as a successor to the Serif, and was originally intended to replace it. We added new design elements to our proven chanwich handle construction, once again pushing the limits of our machining and surfacing capability. The result is a super bouncy, fast flipping balisong that now stands beside the Serif as a flagship product.

Inside the Opus
The Opus blade takes advantage of a extended choil to save it's flipper from a ring of shame.

In an attempt to address a now rectified design flaw in the Serif, the Opus was developed. The Opus pushed the design and machining capabilities of MachineWise at its inception and set the standard that all products now meet.
The Opus marked the return of a tanto blade to the MachineWise lineup, and is the true successor to the Maryn.

Maryn Platform
All currently available knives and trainers by MachineWise run on the Maryn Platform. This means all our handles and blades are interchangable!