So you got a MachineWise product and now you need to maintain it?
Below we have a couple of helpful videos for maintaining your balisong. Note that our channel balisongs should not need disassembly for some time. We use hardened steel washers, which will last much longer than comparable phosphor bronze washers. Typically just cleaning your pivots and re-lubing them is all that is required to keep your knife flipping great for years to come!
We DO NOT RECOMMEND dissassembling your MachineWise balisong. They are tuned to a very tight tolerance and you may not be able to return your tune to factory specifications when reassembling yourself. If you insist on disassembling your balisong please retorque the pivots to 27 Lbs-in (3 N-m) during reassembly.
Sonora pivots are torqued to 10 Lbs - in.
Sonoras run a on bushing pivot with a extremely tight tune. When "dry" this pivot will develop minor play. To remove this play simply add the provided lubricant to the tang of the knife and work it in.
Mojave pivots are tightened for action and thread locked with Vibra - Tite VC3
The Mojave uses all titanium hardware. Take care not to overtighten the clip threads or body screws.

Carbon Honey
At MachineWise we assemble all our balisongs with Carbon Honey thin in our exclusive Orange Creamsicle scent. For a factory preforming tune please use Carbon Honey thin or comparable lubricant on your pivots.